Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Can't Live Without You

It seems like yesterday
When I've just meet you
You came into my life
Making it a joyful one
You always make my day happy
So I can forget my problem easily.

When it just came one day
You've suddenly gone into my life
With no other reason behind
My heart feel so sad
That my mind cannot understand
It seems that I'm missing you
That my day is not complete without you.

All the memories were gone

And all the happiness were done.
Year and day past by
But you are still here in my mind
My heart was broke and feel so bad.

I don't know what to do

Because I am really missing you
I see the stars above the sky
Wishing you will come back into my life
Because I know here in my mind
That I can't live without you.

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